Samsung wants to become the next big player in the field of autonomous driving and is jumping with a billion investment on the automatic moving train.
The South Koreans had recently joined Harman, the audio and car parts supplier for $ 8 billion. Through its expertise and its own pole position in the mobile market, the company hopes to remain a strong position in the highly competitive market of autonomous vehicles.
Today, at the Frankfurt Motor Show, Samsung wants to announce the establishment of a business unit for autonomous driving and driving assistance services. The company also plans to invest $ 300 million in associated start-ups and technologies.
The market has been observed for a long time and now it would be time to communicate the entry into the new business area also on the outside, says the Group President Young Sohn. Already on 4th of September, the group received a license for the testing of autonomous vehicles in California.
According to Google’s pioneer, two of the largest Samsung competitors have now announced their entry into the autonomous driving business. For last year, Intel has taken over a corresponding company for over 15 billion and also Qualcomm is just wrestling for the approval of a 47 billion deal with an automotive chip manufacturer.