The news struck like a bomb: Intel and AMD are teaming with Nvidia’s multi-chip module to bring a discrete GPU to the market, combined with a 45-watt, H-series Kaby Lake-G CPU. In recent days, the first pictures, benchmarks and more information on the CPU / GPU combo appeared.
So far, Intel and AMD have officially confirmed little, but the rumor mill and various leaks now provide further information on the planned MCM (multi-chip modules) from Intel and AMD. The 45-watt H-series CPU will probably come on the market as the Core i7-8705G and Core i7-8809G, at least these product names appear in many places on the net. The discrete GPU is expected to deliver 24 Compute Units (CU) with a total of 1536 Steam processors. The clock frequency of the presumed Vega GPU will probably be between 1,000 and 1,200 MHz, 4 GB of HBM2 graphics memory should be available.
The CPU itself is probably a quad core with hyperthreading as well as 3.1 or 4.1 Ghz turbo frequency. In the image above or below, which comes from a NUC-like board, can be seen: the Intel CPU core placed on the right, the combination of AMD GPU and graphics memory connected via the EMIB (Embedded Multi-The Interconnect Bridge) , a form of the PCIe 3.0 bus. Initial benchmarks of this CPU-GPU combo signal that Intel and AMD are more likely to target Nvidia’s discrete entry-level graphics solutions than the GTX 1060 or higher.
In an Ashes-of-the-Singularity benchmark, the duo competes directly with the Geforce GTX 1050, significantly better than the Nvidia MX150. The first leaked 3DMark 11 scores (see below) place the duo a bit above the GTX 1050 TI, in the leaked Graphics score the test board reached 14,127 points and is thus roughly between GTX 1050 TI and GTX 1060. CES 2018 at the beginning of next year will probably reveal more official details, even the first gaming notebooks based on the new CPU / GPU solution could already be seen.